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ServeINC Featured on the Mike Silva International Blog

Today, July 13th, 2012, ServeINC was featured on the blog for Mike Silva International. Mike Silva is an international Evangelist, Author, and Promise Keepers Speaker. In 2010 Mike Silva and his team worked to help bring Willamette Celebration to the Albany area. Below is an excerpt of the article Mike wrote about ServeINC.

The service-oriented Willamette Celebration that our ministry helped organize in 2010 continues to pay dividends. This Saturday, July 14, the inter-denominational organization that arose from the festival will paint two elementary schools in the Albany, Oregon area.

Serve INC (Serve in the Name of Christ) is expecting up to 700 volunteers to help paint an elementary school in neighboring Jefferson and Waverly Elementary, which serves central and northeast Albany.

The non-profit cooperative emerged from the event, which featured numerous service projects across the Willamette Valley. They were held in the weeks leading up to an evangelistic festival in late July. That weekend, nearly 700 people responded to my invitations to follow Christ. READ MORE