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2012 Frequently Asked Questions

What are we planning on completing in a day?

We are planning on painting the exterior to Waverly Elementary school in Albany and the interior to Jefferson Elementary school in Jefferson.  In addition we will do a landscaping project at Waverly Elementary

What school will I be at?

If you are a landscaper you will be at Waverly Elementary.  Otherwise Albany churches will do Albany schools and Jefferson churches will do Jefferson.  However, if your church desires to paint the school that is not in your home town you may do so. (The ServeINC leadership just needs to be informed so we can plan accordingly)

What time do I show up in the morning?

Please arrive shortly before 8:30am.   We will eat lunch at 1:00pmand have everything completed and cleaned up by 4:30pm.

Will I be landscaping or painting? 

You get to choose.   Please keep in mind that we need more painters than landscapers (85% painters to 15% Landscapers)

What do I bring?

1.  An amazing attitude that is flexible and ready to work.

2.  Paint rollers and paint brushes for your entire family if you are going to paint.

3.  Shovels, rakes, weeding tools, and gloves for the entire family if you are going to landscape

Do I need to bring paint sprayers?

No.  We only want three sprayers on site at Waverly and none at Jefferson.  The three sprayers at Waverly have already been arranged.

Do I need to bring a ladder?

Step ladders YES. Extension ladders NO. Last year we had a huge shortage of step ladders!  If you have one please bring it if you don’t, don’t worry about it.  Please do not bring your extension ladders; we cannot use them on the school property due to insurance restrictions.

Where do I park my car when I arrive?

There is parking at the school and on the side streets.

Can I show up late or leave early if I need too?

We are encouraging you to stay until the project is complete.  However, you can come and go if you need to.

Is child care available?

YES, a children’s program will take place at Waverly School while the painting landscaping projects are being done.  At Jefferson childcare will be held at Jefferson Baptist Church.  The ages of childcare will be newborn to 8 years old.

What are the ages that can sign up?

All ages can sign up, but those under 14 years old need to be supervised by their parents.

I know someone who has not signed up, can I bring him/her?

Yes, all are welcome.  We ordered additional shirts so we might even have a shirt for them

Will lunch be provided?

Lunch will be served at 1:00 pm for the workers.  The lunch will be hotdogs, chips, and punch.  If you would like something different you are encouraged to bring it.

Where will we eat lunch?

Lunch will be served at each school

When do I get my shirt?

Shirts will be available at the worksite.

What happens if it rains?

The ServeINC event will be postponed to a later date if it rains.  If it is questionable you can call             503 580-5518      .  Otherwise we will turn people away at the work site.