Thank you… to everyone who has signed up for the ServeINC Project this year!!! It’s this Saturday, July 13th starting at 8:30! It’s going to be a great year as all the churches work together as one body to complete a large task. This is the 4th year we’ve done this and have painted a total of 5 schools saving the school districts between $30-50 thousand per school.
1. Starting time is 8:30. We’ll have donuts and coffee available for a great start!
2. Bring paintbrushes and rollers if you’re painting and shovels, rakes, gloves and gardening tools if you’re landscaping. Please only bring enough for you and don’t lend them out if you are worried about losing them.
3. Please don’t leave your stuff unattended; keep track of it throughout the day. Please keep a close eye on it and make sure you don’t leave without it.
4. Lunch will be served at 1:00pm. We have hotdogs, chips, dessert, and drinks. If you have a special diet, or you don’t like hotdogs, please bring a sack lunch.
Thanks again for your commitment to this project. You are all appreciated!