Why should I Share My Faith?
Life’s most important question is: “Where will you spend eternity?” There are two important truths to consider regarding this question:
IMPORTANT TRUTH #1: God loves people.
God loves people. John 3:16 declares God loves people. Romans 5:8 declares that God demonstrated His love in that, while people were still sinners, Christ died for their sins in order to reconcile them to God.
IMPORTANT TRUTH #2: Because God loves people, I should too.
Because God loves people, Christ has commanded that we share with others how much God loves them. Matthew 28:19-20 declares that mission of believers is to go and make disciples. 2 Corinthians 5:20 says that believers are here as Christ’s representatives sharing the message of God’s love and His desire that they be reconciled with Him. 1 Peter 3:15 says that we should always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks the reason for the hope that we have. If we say that we love God, we should care about people as He does and care about where they will spend eternity.
There is an additional truth that we should consider. At the end of our lives, God will call us to account for how well we responded to the opportunity we had to share His good news with people. 2 Corinthians 5:10 says that we will all appear before Christ and receive what we deserve for all that we have done during our time here on earth. Matthew chapter 25 shares a parable about the expectation a master had of his servants to invest his money so that the master would have an increase when he returned. The servants who were able to produce an increase received praise and were given more. The servant who did nothing received criticism and what he had been given was taken away. The parable speaks to the mission of the church while Christ is away. The expectation is that we are fruitful making disciples and those who are fruitful with what they have been entrusted with will be rewarded.
Have you ever asked a firefighter why they run into a building that is on fire when everyone else is running out? While some are “adrenaline junkies”, most respond: “It’s my job”. Believers, we have a job to do. That job is to rescue people who will perish spending all eternity in the lake of fire unless they are reconciled with God. Let’s do our job.
For further reading:
The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman
Becoming A Contagious Christian by Bill Hybels and Mark Mittelberg.
Evangelism that Works by George Barna
If you said “YES” to question #20, then here is a suggested action plan for what to do next:
- Write the name down of someone you would like to see come to know Jesus.
- Begin praying for that person everyday.
- Introduce yourself and/or begin building a friendship with that person.
- Ask God to reveal a need in their life to you that He wants to address.
- Raise the flag – as God reveals a need, ask the person if you can pray for them about that need.
- Serve them – meet their need if you can. By serving, you earn the right to be heard.
- Share – pray for an opportunity to share your testimony and/or share the good news with them. Or, you can invite them to Serve INC, to church, or to an event where the gospel is presented.